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VG Instruments (SEA) Sdn Bhd
12A, Jalan Dagang SD2/1G,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kepong,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
+603-6259 8363
+603-6259 9363


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Vortex flow sensing technology relies on measuring the number of vortex pulses generated by a bluff body immersed in the flow stream. The SMC Vortex meter uses dual sensor technology, producing two independent vortex signals which allows for signal amplification and common mode noise reduction. Our sensors never touch the process fluid; the crystal sensors are bonded behind a stainless steel wall. The electronics pick up the slightest pressure pulsations generated by the vortices through the stainless steel wall. This design allows meters to have an extremely wide turndown while maintaining an almost unlimited upper end and a high pressure rating. Our sensor is the thinnest wafer vortex on the market. The meter body bolt lengths are shorter to allow for better flange alignment and tighter, leak-free installations. Our insertion models are uniquely designed so as to prevent miss-alignment of the bluff body in the flow stream; a common problem with many other brands of insertion vortex meters on the market.

  • Suitable for a wide variety of applications with steam, gas, and liquid medias
  • No moving parts and no leak paths; no o-ring or graph oil seals to wear, fail or leak
  • Two independent sensors , allowing for better signal amplification and noise reduction
  • Error messages displayed for or erratic flows and flows outside of calibrated ranges
  • Field calibration possible with integral or remote electronics and keypad
  • True 2-wire 4-20 mA interface
  • Wide measuring range, turn-down ratio of 30:1
  • Insertion meters can be installed vertically, horizontally or in angled pipelines
  • Can measure at Reynolds Numbers ranging from 10,000 to 7,000,000
  • Weather proof multi-pole connector for power, signal and serial interface
  • ALVTN (insertion) can be hot-tapped with ball valve and retractable assembly
  • ALVTN (inline) can have reduced flow body for lower flows (see drawings) than standard sizes

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